A few months ago, you excitedly purchased a used car. You absolutely adored driving your new vehicle. However, you noticed your automobile needed repainting. If you can relate to this scenario, you might be ready to drop your beloved car at a paint and body shop near you. Before you make this move, consider the following three things you need to know.
Types of Paint
Before you can make your car look like it’s new again, you’ll need to select a type of paint to use. The three kinds of paint commonly utilized on vehicles are acrylic, urethane, and metallic. Acrylic paint doesn’t require much effort to apply. Once on your vehicle, this type of paint looks glossy. However, acrylic paint isn’t very durable due to its soft finish. Urethane paint is sprayed on your vehicle. It dries extremely fast. Unlike acrylic paint, urethane paint will stand the test of time. So, it’s a great option for those who plan to keep their cars for several years. Metallic paint is a popular choice for people who own sports cars. While it conceals scratches seamlessly, metallic paint is hard to repair.
Removal Procedure
Before your vehicle can be repainted, everything will need to be removed from it. For instance, the technicians at a paint and body shop will take out your car’s:
- Console
- Seats
- Dashboard
- Pieces of trim
Depending on the complexity of your paint job, your vehicle’s entire engine might even need to be removed.
Time Frame
Don’t expect to pick up your car the day after you drop it off at a paint and body shop. Having your vehicle painted the right way by professionals takes time. This complex, but worthwhile, the process typically takes at least a week.
Repainting a car can drastically improve its appearance. If you plan to repaint your vehicle soon, understanding the aforementioned items is crucial. If you're interested in a custom paint job, contact the team at One Stop Collision Shop today.